Why is Swimming Pool Safety So Important

Some may want to skip a pool inspection. But why is pool safety so important? Consider the facts below. In California, Arizona and Florida, drowning was the leading cause of accidental death in and around the home for children under the age of 5. Seventy-five percent...

Understanding Your Plumbing System

Understanding how your home works is important to being a successful home owner. So where do you start? Well, for most people, trying to learn the intricate details of how a home works may not be practical. So start small and work off of a solid knowledge base. Watch...


Do you have a leak? That may seem like a silly question to many people. They may say “If I knew there was a leak, I would get fixed and then I wouldn’t have a leak!”. Then why is it so common to find leaks on home inspections? We as people tend to not notice...

A Guide To Water Heaters

As we have seen progress in recent years, there are now more options available than ever before when it comes to the water heater. For many years, a tank would be required but now we are making use of the ‘tankless’ water heaters and this is what we will be discussing...
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