A home inspection is a crucial part of the home buying process but perhaps you’re wondering why is it so important? In this blog, we are going to answer this question as well as a couple of other common home inspection questions.
Why is a home inspection important? When buying a home, you can’t all be expected to be building experts and know when something is wrong with the property that would make it a bad investment. A home inspection, when done right, will find out any problems with the house, both major and minor, so that you can make a wise and informed decision on whether it is right for you.
Is it necessary to be present for the home inspection? While not necessary, it is a good idea for you to be there. This way the home inspector can show you any areas of concern and you can get to know your potential new home in a more detailed way. The home inspector will put all findings down in a report, however, so you will be kept well informed if you are unable to be there.
How long will it take to perform the home inspection? This will largely depend on the size of the property and whether there are other buildings to inspect as well as the house. The location is also a factor. Having said that, a regular home inspection should take about 3 hours. If you have a home inspection that takes significantly less time than this, it may not be as thorough as it should be, and you may want to have it inspected by someone else.
A home is a big investment, so you want to make sure you are getting the right place. A thorough home inspection done by an InterNACHI certified home inspector will ensure the inspection is done right.
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