How secure are your exterior doors? This is something you should think about from time to time because they may not be as safe and secure as they ought to be. For example, a good question to ask yourself is, how easy would it be for an intruder to be able to enter your home through the front door? If you are wondering what characteristics a door should have for it to be secure, here are a few of them:

The exterior doors of your home should have a solid construction made of a steel or solid wood core. It is much easier for someone to break through a lightweight, hollow-core wooden door. It is also important to check the condition of the door, making sure there is no cracking, warping, or rotting.
Locks on exterior doors should be a good quality deadbolt lock and, although chains could be used in addition to the deadbolt lock, don’t use them instead of it. You may also want to consider installing a bump-resistant lock as bump keys have become a quick and easy way for intruders to enter a home. If there are glass panes in an exterior door, ensure that the lock is situated far from the glass so that if an intruder breaks the glass, they won’t be able to reach the lock.
If your front door has a slot in it for mail you must have a cage or box attached that surrounds it. Otherwise, the mail slot could enable a burglar to unlock the door from the inside.
An additional safety measure is to have a peephole installed in the door. This way, the homeowner can check and see who is at the door and decide whether they should open the door or not.
These are just some of the features that make an exterior door a secure one and contribute to the safety of you and your household.
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