The subject of whether moss on a roof causes damage has been a subject with varying opinions. It is true that there are many factors to consider when determining this. In our last post, we discussed some of the abrasive methods that are sometimes used in cleaning a roof.

With the many thoughts on it then, is it even worth considering removing the moss?

Moss usually grows in a wet or damp environment where the sun doesn’t always reach, this can happen in areas of a roof shaded by trees.

First question to ask when thinking if damage is being done, would be what areas of the roof have the moss? If the moss is in areas that could be blocking gutters or other areas of water drainage, then this could present a problem not just to your roof, but also your home. The reason for this is that when it rains the water can’t drain properly. This is when you will see damage either along the roof line, or to the foundation, or even the structure of the house could see some damage.

Consider what type of shingles are on your roof, are they asphalt, clay, or stone shingles? This would be a factor in determining whether if moisture in the moss is starting to rot other materials.

If you are concerned, and can’t tell if the moss is starting to become a problem, have a professional inspect for you. Better to be safe than sorry.

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