Cockroaches can be an enormous issue in many homes and apartments.  Did you know they have the ability to produce thousands of offspring each year, can survive for a long period of time without food and can even recover after being submerged in water for up to half an hour?  They are also spreaders of disease such as salmonella and dysentery and are known to cause allergies and even asthma.  So, for obvious reasons it’s important to do everything we can to control this type of pest. 

So, how can you prevent cockroaches from becoming a problem?  Well, cockroaches enjoy dirty environments with a lot of moisture.  The kitchen needs to be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis, this should include cleaning the oven, kitchen cabinets, underneath and behind appliances such as the refrigerator and dishwasher and under the sink.  It’s not only the kitchen that cockroaches can be found in a home.  The bathroom is another area they love so this should be kept clean and as dry as possible.  You might find them in crawlspaces also.

Do not leave food out overnight and try to keep food in tightly sealed containers.  This includes the trash can and pet food etc.  Cockroaches will avoid lit up places so try keeping the lights on at night to deter them.

Try to repair any areas where you think cockroaches might take shelter, including areas that allow moisture to enter like dripping taps and leaking pipes.  Its also a good idea to seal up possible points of entry. 

Placing boric acid in areas where you observe signs of them the most, can help to keep cockroaches under control. To do this, however, you would need to have the home treated for cockroach infestation first.  If you find the infestation gets too bad, it is be best to call in a professional pest control company who will be able to advise you. 

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