The kitchen garbage disposal unit can be a very useful appliance to have in a home, especially as we are a lot more conscious of how much waste goes into landfills and waste management facilities nowadays.  A garbage disposal is designed to grind up small food leftovers so that they are small enough to flush easily from the sink into the sewer or septic tank.  However, problems can arise with the proper functioning of this system if it is not used in the correct way.  So, what are some things you should know about your garbage disposal unit?

The garbage disposal unit is only intended for small food scraps, nonfood items should not be placed in the system.  While this may seem like an obvious statement, its surprising how many nonfood items such as aluminum foil, bottle caps etc. find their way into the kitchen sink.  Grease, oil and chemicals are also items which should not go into the unit.  Its important to keep this in mind particularly if you have a septic system.

There are also certain foods which can affect the proper functioning of a garbage disposal unit.  Some of the more fibrous food scraps like potato peels and corn husks, can clog up the system.  If you have to put them down the unit, make sure they are in very small amounts and keep the water running for a time after all the food waste has flushed through.  Bones and very hard food items are also things that should never be put into the garbage disposal.

Yes, these may seem like rather simple suggestions but, by being careful about what you place in your kitchens disposal system, you will help prolong the life of the unit.

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