Protecting the environment is something we are all conscious of these days and water is one of the most precious commodities we have. Naturally then, it’s important to look for ways to conserve water. A method that is becoming popular is to reuse water that has been used for things like washing dishes and laundry, etc. for other things such as irrigation. This is also referred to as greywater. Before you decide whether a greywater system is right for you, here are a few things to consider.
The advantages. As we’ve mentioned, greywater can be used for irrigation. This is a good option in arid areas because it can be used for golf courses and public parks. This would, not only use less freshwater but, it would also cost less which would save the community money. An added perk is that using dishwater for irrigation can give soil extra nutrients.
A greywater system can be installed in most homes, both old and new. The local government may also offer some tax incentives if you install one, but this is something you will need to check out first.
While there are numerous advantages to using greywater, what about the disadvantages? You will need to know how to handle greywater correctly so as to avoid any possible health issues that may occur from its use. You may also find that installing and maintaining a greywater system can be very costly and be aware that finding a plumber who is familiar with these systems may be difficult.
If you decide a greywater system is something you want to install, inquire with your local council as to what kinds of guidelines you must follow as these may vary depending on your location.
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