When it comes to home inspections, we know that a very important area of the house to many homeowners is the kitchen, so we take care to inspect them thoroughly.  If you are viewing potential new homes though, are there things that you can watch out for in the kitchen as potential warning signs?


  • A good place to begin is by checking the kitchen sink.  Turn on the faucet and see how good the water pressure is.  If it is low, then you will want to know the reason for it.  How well does the water drain?  Have a look in the cabinet under the sink to check for any leaks or sign of water damage.


  • The dishwasher (if it has one) is another area that should be looked at.  You will want to look out for signs of water leaks.  Can you see the hoses or seals? If so, what kind of condition are they in?  What do the surrounding cabinets look like inside?  Are there any signs of mold?  Water damage can produce many serious issues such as a rotting sub-floor or mold, so this is not something to ignore if you see it.


  • If the oven is gas, turn it on to see if it works properly.  Do you smell gas in the surrounding area?  You will want to make sure there are no gas leaks.  Check any electrics, such as outlets and see if they are in good working order.


  • Next, look at the condition of the countertops.  Keep in mind, this is where food is prepared, so any signs of damage especially if they are tile and grout could have all kinds of bacteria present.


While your thorough home inspection will reveal major problems, its good to know what to check for when looking around a home.  These issues may not seem like a huge deal, but they could be signs of bigger problems with the house.


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