Some homeowners feel the need to take extra measures to protect their home and family from the threat of intruders. One option in this regard is window bars. As the name may suggest, these are bars generally made of metal that fix to the exterior wall surrounding the window. Window bars are usually installed on the lower floors of the home. These can be a very effective deterrent as they reduce the number of access points an intruder could use to enter the house. One question that arises, however, is how safe are window bars for the occupants of the home?
One thing that you should always consider is how easy would it be for yourself and your family to exit your home in the event of an emergency, such as a fire? Windows are typically the quickest means of escape but, if the home is fitted with window bars, this could block vital points of exit and make it more difficult for firefighters to gain access to the fire.
So, does this mean that window bars are a bad option? Not necessarily but, if you do decide to install them, make certain that they have a quick-release mechanism that is very easy to operate. This would allow anyone in the house, including children and elderly persons, to be able to release the bars from the inside. This release system should not require the use of special tools and, if a key is required, make sure everyone in the home knows where it is and can reach for it easily and rapidly. Keep in mind that, if a fire breaks out, it can make even the strongest adult quickly disoriented and panicked.
Yes, window bars can be very effective in deterring an intruder but, if not properly researched and installed, could prevent a quick exit from the home in the event of an emergency.
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